Course Corrections - September 2024

Status Updates:

Ups and downs but there is progress being made. Some of it with writing, even.

What's Next:

The Wizard's Cat
It's coming together. You know what they say about herding cats.

Future Ishmael
Ishmael's still on my table for future works.

Tanyth Fairport
I really want to get back to her and the people in that world. When I'll find the time is anybody's guess. The audiobooks are still in limbo. Sorry.

What I'm Reading:

Lots of reading this month with "next in the series" books, but a couple of books by Branwen O'Shea start her series. Finding Humanity, grabbed me. The first book, The Calling, sets the stage for a post-collapse Earth locked in an ice age. Not exactly cheery reading, but the characters and world building made it stand out.

The story pivots around the direct descendants of per-apocalytic Earth, locked in subterranean vaults to protect themselves from the cold, and mysterious Star Beings who thrive on the frozen surface. In spite of the dire environment, O'Shea has woven a story of hope and possibilities. Book 3 should be a corker!

But, as always, maybe grab a sample and see what you think.

Looking Ahead:

A month filled with so many interruptions it's not funny. A fender bender was enough for the insurance company to total one of our vehicles which started a weeks long process of assessment and replacement.

I'm pleased to report that the last few elements will be put to rest by the end of next week. I'm less pleased that the other vehicle should probably be replaced before winter, but we're going to see if it can make it to spring.

Still, we've been very lucky with the cars. This is the first time in 15 years we've needed to replace one. The new one feels like moving into a spaceship but I like it.

Getting more of Mulligan's story down and discovering more about the Cat has been frustratingly slow but gratifying. It's coming, but I suspect Christmas will be here and gone before I manage to knit this story together.

But I'll let you know how it's going next month. Until then, safe voyage.


PS. I'll try to be a bit more responsive to your replies. I've been pretty lax for the last few months. Sorry about that.

I update the blog every month on the first so if you're wondering what's happening, you can check there to get an interim report until the next one shows up in your inbox.

Beta Readers:

Every so often, I put out a call for beta readers. These are people who are willing to read the work in progress in a short period of time with only the briefest of notices.

I'm going to be fine tuning this process going forward but if you'd like to be considered for future works, then click this link.

It puts a tag on your address in the email list. You don't have to check anything. The ConvertKit people (who store the addresses) will handle it and then take you to a page to tell you that your preferences have been set. By clicking that link you're done.

And thanks.

Fine Tuning:

Would you prefer to get ONLY new release notices? YES, PLEASE

Note: Newsletter people will get New Release notices, too, but
I've had several people say they preferred to only hear from me when I
release a new book so I'm trying to accommodate them.

Nathan Lowell

Full-time self-published author and sometimes podcaster, I write and publish science fiction and fantasy. I also write about the business of writing and publishing in The View From Here.

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